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Happy International Women’s Day!

In: General News

Happy International Women’s Day!


We’re excited to celebrate International Women’s Day. The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #BreaktheBias. At Goodman Ray, we recognise and appreciate all the phenomenal women in our workplace and lives and celebrate their achievements.  To celebrate this year, we’ve put together a short list of women that we think truly reflect #BreaktheBias.


Professional Embarrassing

Family barristers Malvika Jaganmohan and Maddie Whelan head up this fantastic family law podcast.  Discussing recent case law, legal updates and book and podcast recommendations, Malvika and Maddie make complex areas of family law exciting and accessible. Their conversations about life at the bar is raw, honest and a relatable reflection on working in family practice.


You can check out Professionally Embarrassing here


Angela Davis on the Power of Protest: ‘We can’t do anything without optimism’, The Guardian

Angela Davis is a Black American political activist. Born in 1944, Angela Davis has been at the forefront of political movements across America and the world. She has written a number of books on class, feminism, race and prison systems.  This interview explores how life experience shaped her politics, the importance of intersectional feminism and supporting trans women’s rights. You can read the full interview here


Women in the Law UK

Women in the Law UK is a women’s not-for-profit networking organisation.  Founded by Sally Penni, a Barrister at Kenworthy’s Chambers and Vice Chair of the Association of Women Barristers.  The organisation offers events, weekly webinars and a podcast. The podcasts talk to leading figures in the UK including Stephanie Boyce, the President at the Law Society and Baroness Helena Kennedy QC.


You can check our Women in the LAW UK here

