
What are negotiations?

Negotiations in family law issues or family law disputes are a variety of approaches and techniques that can be used to help successfully settle a dispute. Those negotiations can take place informally between two individuals, face to face, through correspondence or via professionals representing individuals.

Whilst all of the processes of resolving family issues or disputes will involve negotiation to a degree, in particular the range of different NCDR approaches we offer, we have set out below some of the approaches which solicitors or lawyers representing you are able to offer to assist amicable negotiations.

Negotiations can take place:

  • Face to face in roundtable meetings where you and your lawyer will sit down with your counterparts to negotiate a settlement in the same physical or virtual room;
  • Your lawyer can conduct negotiations on your behalf with their counterpart directly. This may be face to face with you and the other individual involved in the process in different rooms, or virtually or over the telephone;
  • Negotiations can take place through correspondence.

Our approach

We recognise from experience that family law issues, whether children or financial, which are settled by negotiation lead to quicker outcomes with lower legal costs, individuals being able to have a more amicable relationship post-separation, and for separating parents to find it far easier to co-parent than if they proceed through the Courts.

We recognise that every case is different and every client has different needs and aims. We will work with you to identify and use the right process for you and your family to resolve issues arising from separation.

It is our experience that negotiations that take place face to face or through discussion, as opposed to written correspondence, can lead to quicker outcomes, reduce the scope for misunderstanding, ensure that reassurance can be provided to you both whilst negotiations take place, and lead to better outcomes.

Contacting us

If you would like to meet with one of our mediators or simply discuss the process further, then please get in touch using whatever method is easiest for you. You can use the form on our website or email us at Alternatively, feel free to ring us on 020 7608 1227 or you can call the mediator at Goodman Ray directly using the direct dial on their profile.

Who We Are

Our Negotiations Team