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No More Week 2025: The Campaign to End Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

In: Domestic ViolenceGoodman Ray News

No More Week 2025

Impacting one in three women and one in six men globally, domestic abuse and sexual violence have long been associated with a culture of silence. Those affected have often felt at risk of stigmatisation, and efforts to alter the status quo have been perceived as falling on deaf ears.

First launched in 2013, it is precisely this lack of visibility that the NO MORE Foundation strives to address. Whether it be through working alongside government agencies and major corporations, or through encouraging grassroots activism, NO MORE believe that everyone can be part of the solution. With NO MORE Week 2025 (2nd-8th March) taking place right now, the time is right to consider how we all can work to raise awareness and drive real change.

NO MORE Week: 2015 – Present Day

Held annually in March since 2015, NO MORE Week has been at the forefront of the Foundation’s efforts to take action against domestic and sexual violence. From the display of a NO MORE Week billboard in Times Square, to the virtual fun runs and ‘Listening from Home’ campaigns of the Covid-19 pandemic, NO MORE has consistently found innovative ways to support survivors.

NO MORE Week 2025 is no different. With a new focus on the notion of NO MORE Silence, NO MORE Week 2025 hopes to encourage those affected by domestic and sexual violence to share stories that might provide hope for others. Through providing a space whereby survivors can speak to their own experiences, NO MORE is actively contributing to the culture of solidarity and mutual empowerment that has so often been absent for those who need it.

Looking Forward

Of course, providing support for those who have already experienced domestic violence represents only one aspect of NO MORE’s mission. Rather, with the Foundation now working alongside more than 1,400 allied organisations, NO MORE occupies a position whereby it can actively drive policy reform. This not only lays the groundwork for holding perpetrators to account, but more importantly for tackling the culture of dismission that has historically prevailed.

To this end, NO MORE Week represents a timely reminder of the impact that collective action today might have for others tomorrow. A world without domestic abuse and sexual violence is not beyond the realms of possibility. Rather, with every instance of mutual support, the uplifting of others, and sharing stories of hope, we take a small step closer.

How Goodman Ray Solicitors can help

At Goodman Ray, we have a team that focuses specifically on assisting those affected by domestic abuse. For instance, we are able to assist clients seeking Non-Molestation/ Occupation Orders, Child Arrangement “live with” and “spend time” with Orders, Prohibited Steps, and Specific Issue Orders.

Solicitor Sheeja Sukumaran