
What is mediation?

Family Mediation is a voluntary process that assists individuals in resolving family issues or disputes. Typically it assists parents, couples, spouses or partners. The mediator will help manage and guide your discussions to help the individuals in mediation talk together so that you can make decisions and resolve issues between them.

The discussions you have in mediation are generally confidential and privileged, often described as without prejudice. This allows you to have a frank, cards on the table approach to discussions and consider your options freely, without fear of these being referred to in Court or being legally bound by them.

The role of the mediator is to be neutral and independent so that they can manage discussions between you without taking sides. They will help ensure that you are able to have a constructive, forward-focused discussion. They will help you identify the issues you wish to resolve, provide information (although not advice), work through relevant information, explore options and manage discussions to help find a way forward which works for everyone involved in the process.

International Mediation

We regularly work with separating couples or parents where there are international elements to their case, and regularly mediate where there are international issues relating to children.

Click here for more details about international mediation.

Our approach

Our mediators are also solicitors who specialise in family law. This means that they are well placed to provide you with accurate and comprehensive information and have a good understanding of the law. They have considerable experience in listening to individuals and dealing with family matters and helping you find solutions.

Our mediators will adapt the process around your needs and help create the best environment for you and the other individuals in mediation to resolve issues between you.

Our mediators are qualified and have experience in a number of different forms of mediation to find the right fit for you:

  • Mediation traditionally takes place face to face with the mediator and individuals attending mediation sat in a room together. We recognise that this does not work for everyone though for a variety of reasons, and our mediators will often mediate by video or with individuals in different rooms (shuttle mediation).
  • It is our preference to give children, generally when they are aged 10 and over, the opportunity to have their voice heard in the mediation process and in decisions being made about their future. We offer child-inclusive mediation to help this.
  • It can sometimes be helpful for lawyers or other professionals to be present in mediation. This could be lawyers to help discussions when there is a complex legal issue, a financial advisor to help individuals explore the options available to them in managing their finances in the future, or a family consultant who is able to assist individuals in mediation and their children with communication.
  • Sometimes having two mediators may provide a more comfortable dynamic for discussions in mediation. Our mediators are able to co-mediate to provide this.
  • We offer hybrid mediation. This involves using a combination of face to face and shuttle mediation to help you find solutions and allows the mediator to hold certain confidences to assist with negotiations.

Every mediation is different, although we would typically expect there to be 3 to 5 mediation sessions after you have both had your pre-mediation meetings. Sessions are typically around an hour and a half long, although may be longer if needed or for hybrid mediation. If mediation is successful then at the end of the process the mediator will draw up a document called a Memorandum of Understanding. That will summarise what you have proposed in mediation and will help your lawyers draw up an open settlement or agreement.

We are part of the voucher scheme launched by the Ministry of Justice to provide non-means tested funding for the mediation process of up to £500 including VAT where it involves child-related issues. We can discuss with you if you believe this may apply to you.

Contacting us

A real benefit of mediation is the opportunity to look creatively at how a problem or issue can be resolved. The right mediator will find the best approach for the parties and their specific dispute.

We recognise that it is important that the mediator is the right fit for both individuals. Our mediators are happy to have a brief call to introduce themselves before arranging your first meetings. Alternatively one of our experienced trainees or paralegals will be able to speak with you and arrange your initial meetings.

If you would like to meet with one of our mediators or simply discuss the process further, then please get in touch using whatever method is easiest for you. You can use the form on our website or email us at Alternatively, feel free to ring us on 020 7608 1227 or you can call the mediator at Goodman Ray directly using the direct dial on their profile.

Who We Are

Our Mediation Team