What is a MIAM?

A MIAM is the term used for a Mediation Intake Assessment Meeting. We also often refer to these as Pre-Mediation Meetings.

Before the first mediation session can take place all individuals attending mediation will have to have separate pre-mediation meetings, or MIAMs. The meetings take place separately and are confidential. This is to help make sure mediation is safe, to prepare individuals for the first mediation session and to explain the different forms of non-court dispute resolution that are available.

MIAMs also need to take place in many circumstances before you are able to start private family law proceedings. This is to ensure that you have had all of the non-court dispute resolution options explained to you by a mediator, as someone who is neutral and independent, before going to Court. This requirement was introduced so that the Courts could be reassured that if you go to Court, you do so knowing the other more amicable approaches to resolving issues have been explained to you.

The requirement to have MIAMs and consider non-court dispute resolution, including mediation, has been further reinforced by changes made to the Family Procedure Rules to ensure that the Court is able to adjourn Court proceedings if they feel that you have not tried non-court dispute resolution, and the Court can even now make costs orders for anyone not trying non-court dispute resolution in certain circumstances.

Our approach

Our MIAMs are undertaken by accredited mediators who are also qualified solicitors who specialise in children and financial issues and disputes. They have experience across the non-court dispute resolution spectrum and have the expertise to provide you with information about all the options available to you and discuss what may be best suited to you and helping you find the right approach and outcome for you and your family.

At your MIAM we will ensure that the range of different forms of dispute or issue resolution are fully explained to you. We recognise that there may be a different approach to issue resolution to mediation which may appeal to you and we can explain those to you in our capacity as someone neutral and independent.

If mediation is a process which appeals to you or which you are committed to, then we will make sure it can take place safely, explain the process in detail, help prepare you both for the first mediation session, and answer any questions you may have.

Contacting us

If you would like to meet with one of our mediators or simply discuss the process further, then please get in touch using whatever method is easiest for you. You can use the form on our website or email us at mail@goodmanray.com. Alternatively, feel free to ring us on 020 7608 1227 or you can call the mediator at Goodman Ray directly using the direct dial on their profile.

Who We Are

Our MIAMs Team