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Goodman Ray are delighted to announce that Hannah Perry joins the firm today, as a partner.

In: Goodman Ray News

Hannah Perry joins Goodman Ray as a partner

Hannah is a well-known solicitor in the field of children and family law. She regularly acts for children, parents and other family members in complex care cases where children have suffered non accidental injuries, serious physical or sexual abuse, deprivation of liberty cases.

Hannah has experience in advising and representing prospective adopters and children through their children’s guardian on adoption procedures within England and Wales and also in relation to Intercountry adoptions. Hannah undertakes her own advocacy at all levels.

Hannah is a member of the Law Society’s Children Panel, she was previously the co-chair of the ALC, and continues to be a member of Resolution’s Legal Aid Committee.

Hannah’s high profile practice has meant she was involved in a number of importance decisions including Griffiths v Tickle [2021] EWCA Civ 1882  and P-S (Children) [2018] EWCA Civ 1407, amongst others.

All at Goodman Ray are delighted to welcome Hannah to the firm.
