Children Law Solicitors In Conversation
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Children law solicitors in conversation

Discussing the challenges families face This Q&A discusses the challenges currently facing families involved in...
What Is Parental Responsibility.pdf
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What is Parental Responsibility?

Parental Responsibility – A look into the recent ruling of Re A (Parental Responsibility) Parental...
How Can Technology Help Parents
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How can technology help parents and children cope after separation?

We live in an era where the way in which we live would be unrecognisable...
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The Necessity of Fact Finding Hearings in Respect of the Welfare of the Children

The case of K v K (2022) was before the court of appeal in respect...
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What is Parental Responsibility?

What is Parental Responsibility? Parental Responsibility (PR) is the power given to individuals to make...
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Legal Aid and trapped capital

R (oao GR) v Director of Legal Aid Casework [2020] EWHC 3140 (Admin) Context  ...
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M (A Child) [2021] EWCA Civ 437

This is a case in which Peggy Ray represented the child (M), through her children’s...
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Conduct and Contribution – Goodman Ray represents husband in Court of Appeal financial relief case

Izzy Jaques of our matrimonial and finance team represented the husband in respect of his...
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Successful appeal helps clarify what amounts to notice to end an adoption placement

Jemma Dally of Goodman Ray represented the prospective adopters who succeeded in their appeal in...
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What is a Child Arrangements Order?

A Child Arrangements Order is an order that is made by the court pursuant to...
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Public Law – Understanding the Local Authority and Children

Public Law – Understanding the Local Authority and Children When a local authority is concerned...
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Managing child arrangements in the coronavirus crisis

The national emergency as a result of Covid-19 has been unprecedented. Consequently, for parents it...
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Social services and children: the different stages the child protection process

Local authorities have a statutory duty to protect children living in their area. However, understanding...
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Children Act 1989 (Amendment) (Female Genital Mutilation) Act 2019 comes into force

On 15 March 2019, the Children Act 1989 (Amendment) (Female Genital Mutilation) Act 2019 received...
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What is parental responsibility, who has it and how can it be obtained?

What is parental responsibility? Parental responsibility (PR) allows an individual to make important decisions concerning...
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New assessment framework for private law cases published by CAFCASS

We are looking for a paralegal to join our specialist Domestic Abuse team to cover Maternity Leave until the end of October...
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Parental Alienation – recent developments

The current law provides that a couple can divorce if there has been an ‘irretrievable breakdown’ of their marriage. In accordance with section 1(2) of...
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The protection of children and their rights in relation to the use of Secure Accommodation Orders, Deprivation of Liberty Orders made under the Inherent Jurisdiction and the Court of Protection

In this article we will consider the powers of the Family Court to deprive a child of their liberty by use of secure accommodation orders and other orders...
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AB v CD [2018] EWHC 1590 (Fam)

Jemma Dally, Head of our Adoption, Surrogacy and Fertility team, acted for the applicant step-father in the reported case of....
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Support and Guidance for Special Guardians

A Special Guardianship Order is an order which places a child in the long-term care of someone other than their parent...
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Revised protocol for referrals of families by the court to child contact centres

A revised protocol for referrals of families by the court to child contact centres has recently been published. This protocol has been implemented...
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Transferring the residence of a child when a party does not comply with a Family Assistance Order

Judgment in the recent case of Re C (A Child) [2018] EWHC 557 (Fam) has been provided and has reinforced the consequences of breaching...
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Penny Appeal publishes Islamic Adoption and Fostering Guidance

The charity, Penny Appeal, has published important guidance on Islamic adoption and fostering in the United Kingdom. The guidance comes as a result...
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Further misuse of section 20 of the children Act 1989 – when will it stop?

Herefordshire Council v AB [2018] EWFC 10 is a judgment handed down earlier this year regarding two cases which were described...
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New Practice Guidance for International Child Abduction Proceedings

Sir James Munby issued practice guidance: Case Management and Mediation of International Child Abduction Proceedings on the 13th of March 2018...
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Jemma Dally acts for Family Rights Group in Supreme Court case of Williams and another (Appellants) v London Borough of Hackney (Respondent) UKSC 2017/0037

Jemma Dally, Partner and Head of our International Child Care Department acted for Family Rights Group, a leading charity...
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Shared care of children on separation

When parents separate, issues in respect of the future arrangements for care of children can be some of the most problematic to resolve. Difficulties in...