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Divorce News  • 

Cutting the cost of Divorce

The average cost of a marital breakdown is £14,500 and counting, a new report conducted by Aviva's Family Finances has found...
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Children  • 

Jemma Dally acts for Family Rights Group in Supreme Court case of Williams and another (Appellants) v London Borough of Hackney (Respondent) UKSC 2017/0037

Jemma Dally, Partner and Head of our International Child Care Department acted for Family Rights Group, a leading charity...
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Children  • 

Shared care of children on separation

When parents separate, issues in respect of the future arrangements for care of children can be some of the most problematic to resolve. Difficulties in...
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Family Law News  • 

Are Polygraph tests admissible as evidence in family proceedings?

Polygraph testing, more commonly referred to as lie detector testing, has become a popular cultural phenomenon particularly due to the significant...
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Family Law News  • 

Listening to Understand

It is the Family Mediators Association Mediation Week this week, and a welcome excuse to sing the praises of the mediation process as a constructive and...
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Family Law News  • 

Myth of the Common Law Marriage and Cohabitation Agreements

The cohabiting family is the fastest growing family type in England. Despite this, there are still currently no automatic legal rights...
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Family Law News  • 

Bitcoin Frenzy- Is the Family Court ready for this new development?

Despite the many reforms in family law, one could argue that the family court remains entrenched in a more old-fashioned way of dealing with matters...