International Mediation

What is International Mediation?

We regularly work with separating couples or parents where there are international elements to their case, and regularly mediate where there are international issues relating to children, for instance:

  • Where there are ongoing proceedings under the Hague Convention relating to child abduction;
  • Where one or both parents wishes to relocate permanently abroad;
  • Where one parent wishes to take a child or children on holiday or to visit family abroad and the other parent does not agree.

You wish to discuss financial issues or issues relating to a divorce or dissolution, for instance:

  • You may be based in a country or jurisdiction outside of England and Wales, but want to use an English speaking mediator;
  • You may have assets in other jurisdictions and be looking to use a mediator who is experienced at assisting in similar cases;
  • One of you may live in or work in another jurisdiction, but be considering using the Courts of England and Wales to deal with finances on divorce;
  • You may wish to discuss the jurisdiction you are going to use to deal with your divorce and associated financial issues.

Our approach

Our mediators specialising in international issues regularly deal with international cases in their works as mediators as well as solicitors. They are therefore able to bring that experience and knowledge of the law to help you both make informed decisions within the mediation process and find solutions.

We are able to work directly with children in child-inclusive mediation so that there voice is heard in discussions about their future

If you are based outside of the jurisdiction then we do not see that as a barrier to helping you resolve issues between you and to find the right solution for you and your family. We are also able bring in a range of professionals if necessary to assist with understanding the impact of different jurisdictions being involved.

We also are one of the few firms who have a specialist mediator trained in mediating on international child abduction or Hague Convention cases. Janet Broadley is widely recognised for her skills as a solicitor specialising in international child abduction and is able to bring that experience to situations where there have been international child abduction proceedings.

Contacting us

If you would like to meet with one of our mediators or simply discuss the process further, then please get in touch using whatever method is easiest for you. You can use the form on our website or email us at Alternatively, feel free to ring us on 020 7608 1227 or you can call the mediator at Goodman Ray directly using the direct dial on their profile.

Who We Are

Our International Mediation Team