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Goodman Ray Welcomes Government Mediation Voucher Scheme

In: Family Law NewsMediation News

The government has today announced that it is investing £1m in family mediation, to support families to resolve issues relating to children. Under the scheme, the Ministry of Justice will provide contributions of up to £500 per family, to resolve issues relating to children following parental separation. Mediation will be provided by Family Mediation Council Accredited (FMCA) mediators and the fund will reduce the costs of mediation for at least 2000 families.

Family mediation is a process in which an independent, professionally trained mediator helps parents work out arrangements for children and finances following separation. Mediation can also be helpful when previous child arrangements need to change, particularly as children grow up.

Thomas Brownrigg, accredited family mediator and partner at Goodman Ray said “Family mediation is an exceptionally constructive and often positive way of separated families resolving disputes in an amicable manner. The voucher scheme makes family mediation far more accessible for families, and will hopefully allow more families to resolve their differences through a less confrontational process. I welcome the scheme with open arms and would encourage anyone thinking about mediation to make the most of the scheme whilst it is available”.

Trudi Featherstone, accredited mediator and partner at Goodman Ray said “I echo Tom’s comments.  This is an excellent scheme and provides a real opportunity for separating couples to use mediation to explore resolving matters. Mediation provides the most constructive forum for separating couples to look at matters in a non confrontational way which benefits all involved particularly the children of the family”

Thomas Brownrigg and Trudi Featherstone are both accredited mediators at Goodman Ray and are able to mediate on children and financial matters. Thomas is also a qualified child-inclusive mediator. If you would like to discuss mediation with Thomas or Trudi, please contact them by phone on 020 7608 1227, or by email or


  1. Further information about the scheme, aimed at families who may benefit, will be published here from 10 am on Friday 26 March 2021:


  1. The Family Mediation Council is a not-for-profit organisation whose aim is to promote the use of family mediation for the benefit of the public. It does not offer mediation itself. Family Mediation Council Accredited mediators meet rigorous professional standards. Find our more: