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We stand firm stand with in the fight against racism. 

In: General News

We stand firm stand with in the fight against racism. 

On Sunday 4th July, England’s football team played in the Euros 2021 final.  The football was beautiful, and the players were amazing.  They brought us  joy and the hope of winning over the last few weeks.  To get to a final after 54 years is truly amazing and they are all winners through and through regardless of the result.  Gareth Southgate is truly inspirational and a role model.  Those young players) did themselves and the country proud.  

However what has followed and the behaviour of some people who call themselves fans is sickening and abhorrent.  The racial abuse of our black players on social media is disgusting. We are  shocked and deeply saddened by it and feel ashamed.  It must not be tolerated ever.  It is another example of deep rooted and ingrained racism that must be stamped out.  


We stand firm stand with in the fight against racism. 
