Relocation and Moving Abroad

Relocation Solicitors

Goodman Ray regularly acts for parents who wish to move abroad or who wish to prevent a parent relocating with the children.

To speak to a Moving Abroad solicitor for expert advice you can trust, please call Goodman Ray Solicitors on 020 7608 1227 or contact us online and we will call you.

If you wish to take your child abroad on holiday or move permanently to a country outside of England and Wales you need the consent of the other parent (and anyone else who has parental responsibility for your child).

If you have a Child Arrangements order which specifies that the child or children live with you then you can go on holiday for up to 28 days in one year, without consent but in all other circumstances consent is required to avoid the removal of your child being unlawful. In the absence of consent you must make an application to the court for permission to leave.

Goodman Ray regularly acts for parents who wish to move abroad or who wish to prevent a parent relocating with the children. We also advise parents whose children have already been removed and their options to get their children back or to enforce their rights to see their children either here or abroad. These are complex applications that require expert advice and guidance at an early stage to ensure the best possible chance of success.

Who We Are

Our Relocation and Moving Abroad Team