Representing Children

Representing Children Solicitors

To speak to a Representing Children solicitor for expert advice you can trust, please call Goodman Ray Solicitors on 020 7608 1227 or contact us online and we will call you.

Lawyers who act on behalf of children within family proceedings need special experience and qualification. Our experienced solicitors are members of the Children Panel Accreditation Scheme, and so can represent the interests of children in proceedings taking instruction either through a Children’s Guardian or directly by the child if deemed appropriate. In order to represent a young person directly, the starting point is for a solicitor to determine whether the young person is ‘Gillick competent’, which is whether they are mature enough to make decisions and understand decisions that affect them. Further thought needs to be given to their:

  1. level of intelligence of the young person;
  2. emotional maturity;
  3. reasons for wanting to instruct a solicitor, without a guardian;
  4. understanding of the issues;

Any solicitor assessing a young person will also need to undertake an assessment of risk of harm (to the young person being directly involved in proceedings) and any associated risk of the young person having access to all the documents in the proceedings.

We also have a number of solicitor-advocates in our children team who are able to provide advocacy at all levels of Court to ensure consistency and continuity for our clients. The majority of the team are also members of Resolution.

Our accredited solicitors represent children in matters of public and private law.

Public Law matters include:

  • Care Orders
  • Child Protection
  • Special Guardianship
  • Secure Accommodation Orders
  • Matters under the Inherent Jurisdiction, including Deprivation of Liberty Orders

Private Law matters include:

  • Rule 16.4 Children’s Guardian matters
  • Child Arrangement Orders concerning whom the child should ‘live with’ or whom they should ‘spend time’ with.
  • Prohibited Steps Orders
  • Specific Issue Orders
  • Relocation
  • Adoption
  • Abduction

Who We Are

Our Representing Children Team